Self Control Strategies
  • Teaching succeeds where punishment fails.
  • An effective discipline program teaches responsible behavior.
  • We can make a difference to every child.

“The best offense is a good defense.” Probably nowhere is this truer than when it comes to classroom management. For some teachers, behavior problems in the classroom are a daily routine that results from a growing culture of disrespect in our schools. For others, discipline problems may be rare, so when it does happen it catches the teacher off guard. Regardless of their frequency, we know they are bound to occur.

Even the most well run classrooms will experience problems from time to time. Prevention is a key ingredient in classroom management. We have found that, as you include more preventative maintenance strategies in your everyday routine, you will see fewer problem behaviors in students.

Problem behavior can entrap us.

When challenging behavior does occur, teachers must be equipped with practical tools that will help to handle these challenges in a professional, mutually respectful way. The strategies taught in our course will teach you how to hold offending students accountable while minimizing disruptions to learning. This is a tall order, but it is achievable in all but the most extreme of circumstances.

Have you heard that conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional? How would you like to eliminate arguments, multiple warnings, and repeated requests–forever? We have seen that when teachers use early intervention strategies and show prompt attention to early signs of misbehavior, they can make a difference. In fact, a proper response to misbehavior begins earlier in the chain of events than perhaps they realized.

We demonstrate how teachers are finally able to deal with behavior problems when they occur if they follow two important steps. First, the teacher evaluates the nature or threat of the behavior to student learning. Next, using a predetermined plan, the teacher responds appropriately. As a result, they may eliminate up to 90% of minor, annoying behavior problems in the classroom.

Classroom Management Take-Aways

Teachers will know... to detect and correct classroom problems without stopping teaching. to avoid power struggles. to set effective limits. to arrange and design the classroom environment for maximum performance (including 15 powerful desk arrangements from traditional to unorthodox). to teach students to behave appropriately in class and in social settings. to zoom through the curriculum like never before. to firmly but fairly carry out disciplinary actions. to NEVER again give multiple warnings or repeated requests! to build and maintain trust with challenging children. to reach at-risk children and turn them into productive classroom members.

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