About Us

Wade Strike currently teaches Language Arts in Honolulu, HI.  An experienced teacher for nearly 20 years, Wade has taught both in Australia and Hawaiʻi.  He has taught students of various ages and cultures, spending three years teaching at a former Aboriginal mission.  He has had extensive experience teaching students from low socio-economic backgrounds.   Poverty poses unique challenges to students, challenges that are addressed effectively by well designed differentiated instruction strategies that Wade demonstrate in his classroom daily. 

Desiree Ululani Strike has been an Hawaiʻi educator for almost 20 years.  Desireeʻs gift is building relationships with learners of all ages including adult students.  Desiree believes that it is the teacherʻs responsibility to provide access to learning for students of all learning style, hence her success in teaching students in special education, English Language Learners, and advanced placement.  Desiree also has experience in maintaining Federal grants under Title I and Title III and also being part of a WASC accreditation team.

A'o Time